Event Details

The 2024 Varsity match between Cambridge and Oxford will be held in London on 22 February 2024 (proposed date). Six team members plus a reserve will compete in a match similar in structure to our Sunday tastings: a flight of six white wines for 40 mins, followed after a short break by a flight of six red wines for 40 mins.

Trials to select a wider extension team of approximately 14 individuals will take place on Tuesday 31 October at 7:30PM.  The trial will take place at Little St. Mary’s Church, Trumpington Street, CB2 1QG. You will be given a Varsity style flight of six white wines (40 minutes) followed by six red wines (40 minutes) to evaluate (We ask that you try your best to fill in the tasting sheet – like the ones you’ve seen at the Sunday sessions.). The trials are closed-book.

Please aim to arrive slightly before 7:30PM to get settled, as we will start pouring immediately and the trials are conducted in an exam format.

If you are selected for the wider extension team, you will be eligible to compete in a number of international competitions!

We will be reviewing the wines from the trial (including confusions and tips) and re-tasting the wines on Tuesday 7 November at 7:30PM at St Andrew’s Hall, St Andrew’s Road, Chesterton, Cambridge CB4 1DH. All trialists are welcome to attend this event regardless of whether they made the extension team.

The cost for the trial and review session is £30, which will be used to cover the cost of the wines and room hire.

This term, we will be holding training sessions for the extension team on Tuesday evenings at 7:30PM. From Lent Term, the selected extension team will train approximately three times per week (including the Sunday sessions) until the Varsity match.  Training sessions will take place on a weekday evening, a weekday or Saturday morning, and the usual Sunday evening sessions with occasional sessions with guest speakers. 

Tickets are limited to one per registered email address. Any tickets purchased from other email addresses will be considered invalid and will be refunded. Feel free to contact Benson (bsc33) with any queries.

Booking will close at 23:55 on Monday 30th October 2023.

Please bring your own water, pen, and set of 6 ISO tasting glasses (available to buy here).  We will be providing the wines, tasting sheets, spittoons, and crackers.  Please also bring evidence that you are a current student (e.g. student card). This is required for entry!

Dates: Tuesday 31st October and Tuesday 7th November
Time: 19:30 (please arrive at 19:20 so we are ready to begin tasting by 19:30)
Trial: Little St Mary’s Church, Trumpington Street CB2 1QG
Review Session: Saint Andrew’s Hall, St Andrew’s Rd, Chesterton, Cambridge CB4 1DH
Cost: £30 for trial and review session
Registration for the trial (via purchase of this ticket) will be open from 18:00 on Thursday 19th October until 23:55 on Saturday 28th October.

Upcoming Date(s) and Time(s)

  • 31 October 2023
    19:30 - 21:30

Ticket Options

Event Location